Are You in Bondage with your own BS

Are you in Bondage with your Own Bull Shit?

What are the Stories that you are telling yourself, that you actually believe to be True?

It’s hard, I don’t have time, It’s gonna cost me something, It’s too much, It’s too overwhelming…

​I totally understand how overwhelming and chaotic it can be to navigate the next steps of growing your business.

You find your flow and then it's gone. Up and down and back again.

You are creative with so many ideas you would like to bring to life, but not sure how to make it all happen or where even to start.

Self-sabotage is a by-product of overwhelm. I have been there and used to feel this way. I'd say “sometimes I am so overwhelmed by all of the things that I could do, I do nothing at all”

And then I would find excuses to not do the things I knew I needed to do to grow my business. I would avoid it altogether because, through my own self-sabotage, I would start doubting myself and comparing myself to others.

It was like a cycle of avoidance that I couldn’t get out of. I wanted to grow and thrive in my business but I just couldn’t seem to get out of my own damn way!

I had to make a choice. I had to let go of my BS stories, Own my desires, claim them, and then take the aligned action to make it happen.

Decide that you're done with not having the desired outcome that you want.

And then back yourself 110%.

Make space, create time and take the action.

Own it! Claim it! Decide it is true! And then put the action to it!

We have been taught that it needs to look a certain way, but it doesn’t.

Rebel the SHIT up. Stand in your Truth. Be The Visionary, the Badass, the Creative Genius!

Become the truest version of yourself in your business and just decide that that’s enough. Show up every damn day as you and do the work and stop worrying

about all of the things that don’t matter.

This is your soul’s work, your passion. Know that this is your path and trust it. Trust yourself that you are making the right decisions for you.

Tap into YOU! And this is where you will find your ease and grace and flow.